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2022-2023 School Growth Plan

Purpose and Vision:

School Growth Plans are school specific strategic plans. They are:

  • collaboratively developed;
  • focused on student learning goals;
  • aligned with the District Strategic Plan
  • evidence-informed using a cycle of improvement;
  • specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Our Story

Henderson Elementary is the Little School with a Big Heart. With 117 students enrolled for the 2022 school year we feel it is important to get to know each student and their unique strengths and stretches. By focusing on a growth mindset, and the belief that every child is unique, we create an atmosphere of care, and foster a positive learning environment. Henderson Elementary is in the historic area of Townsite over-looking the Salish Sea. We draw primarily from neighbourhood families which gives us a distinctive feel of connection and belonging. Henderson Elementary is fortunate to be in close proximity to the High School which gives us the ability to draw on students and staff to help create positive and inclusive programs that benefit both Brooks Secondary and Henderson. Henderson Elementary may be a small school, but because of our focus on developing the social emotional skills of tomorrow we see students who can make a big impact on their school, family, and community. 

Our Learners 

For the past several years Henderson Elementary has put a strong focus on improving the literary skills of our learners. We have strategically placed programs and staff throughout our primary grades to ensure that our students receive a strong foundation; and we are beginning to see some very positive results. In reviewing our DIBELS results from the 2021-22 year we saw a full grade increase for nearly all our students across the school. We expect to continue to see this growth as we plan to again focus on literacy as our core academic goal for the upcoming year. 

Goal 1 - The staff at Henderson will promote connectedness with the school and local community


  • Henderson will be hosting activities every month for students to engage in as groups or individuals. These activities will look like, but not limited to: sports days, lip sync battles, karaoke, “Fun Fridays”
  • Henderson will work to improve our culture of acceptance, mindfulness, and respect through engagement in EDAS (Everyone Deserves a Smile). 
  • Henderson will promote connectedness with our community through monthly School/PAC activities where the Community will be invited in for an event at the school. These activities will look like: themed meals, Halloween events, family dances etc. 


  • See the Monthly School Activities Schedule for more information on the activities that will be hosted by the school. To measure the success of these activities we will be tracking attendance and requesting for feedback following each event using MS Forms. Students will be encouraged to use the Henderson Suggestion Box to give feedback on school activities, the number of suggestions will be tracked to gauge engagement.  
  • Staff involved with the EDAS project will provide activities for students to provide feedback on their participation, as well as seek feedback from community stake holders. We will review the feedback at the end of the year. We will also be providing students with an opportunity to complete a Henderson focused student survey.
  • See the Monthly Community Activities Schedule for more information on the activities that will be hosted by the school. We will be working with PAC to review attendance and feedback from families.  

Goal 2 - Henderson Elementary will work on improving all students reading achievement level by the end of the year as measured by the DIBEL’s reading assessment. Improvement thresholds will be determined individually for students through a collaborative review with the school learning team.


  • All students will have a reading assessment done at the beginning, middle, and end of the year using the DIBLES reading assessment. Teachers will utilize additional assessments such as Benchmarks, Jerry Johns etc. as required for individual students. Following each assessment period, the school learning team will review the results with the District Director of Instruction. Follow that meeting the school learning team will meet with the classroom teacher to determine next step for each student.  
  • Staff will engage classroom-based developmental, accelerated, and interventive reading programs. Teachers and intervention staff will assess students regularly to determine progress towards their individual goals. 
  • Henderson will foster reading through whole school reading programs such as “One School One Picture Book” to encourage a school wide reading project in conjunction with families as well as continue to use the Reading Vending Machine program to encourage positive behaviour and literacy related rewards. Henderson will also be adding new books to the library collection with the intention of increasing student engagement in the library. 
  • Henderson will work with classroom teachers to improve students' quality of writing using writing workshops, write alouds, and schoolwide writes. 


  • Students will achieve their personal threshold determine by the school learning team.  
  • The School administration will meet with teachers quarterly to discuss their classroom-based programs and in conjunction with their reading assessment data, determine if there are any adjustments that are needed. A portion of each staff meeting will be reserved for reviewing classroom-based literacy. 
  • Feedback forms will be sent home to families to review the “One School One Picture Book” program, as well as other school initiatives that were utilized throughout the year and to gather feedback on their effectiveness. The School Principal will also work with the school Librarian to review the book circulation data. 
  • Staff will review the school wide write activities and assess for improvements over the year. As part of the review process staff will identify gaps in student writing and discuss ways to close those gaps. 

Goal 3 - Improve Indigenous student success and/or a sense of belonging and presence for Indigenous learners


  • This year Henderson will be working with the District Indigenous Education team to try and bring the following opportunities for our indigenous learners as well as our non-indigenous learners to help foster a feeling of connection and belonging for all students.
    • Bring in a knowledge keeper to work with staff and students to share stories and experiences in a natural and connected way. 
    • Introduce opportunities for students to carve 
    • possibly connected with a knowledge keeper who could share stories with students as they carve. 
    • Purchase resources and materials to create Indigenous Ed kits for classrooms 
    • Create a bench for students on the grounds with indigenous carvings/stories  


  • We will measure success through anecdotal and observational reviews of student engagement. 

Our Story is Beyond

In addition to our Academic and Social Emotional goals for this upcoming year we at Henderson Elementary will also be engaging frequently with the High School to find as many opportunities as possible to bring Brooks Students into our classrooms. This may be through buddy ready, passion project presentations, sports days, and exploring growth within the performing arts. We will also be implementing a new Student Leadership program that provides students from K-7 with an opportunity to be an active member of the school community and continue to work with staff to exemplify what it means to be the Little School with a Big Heart. 

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