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Graduation Transitions

Graduation Transitions is a mandatory course for all BC Grade 12 students on the 2004 Graduation Program. All the information you need to complete Graduation Transitions is available on this website. Print out the Graduation Transitions Checklist (see below) to keep track of what you have completed.

Please see your alpha counsellor if you have any questions or problems. (See sidebar to find out who your counsellor is.)

Graduation Transitions School Resources

(Save a local copy of the handbook to your computer before you start working on it)

Graduation Transitions Links

Personal Health Resources and Links

Community Connections Resources and Links

Career and Life Resources and Links

Related Information


Contact Information:

Mr. Marciniak
(Counsellor A-L)

Mrs. Burt
(Counsellor M-Z)

Mr. Palm
(Career Coordinator)

Applying to Post-Secondary

Course Planning

Graduation Program Page

Graduation Transitions

Post Secondary Institutions Selection Form

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