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Reporting and Examinations

Reporting and Student Progress Gr 8-9

The Ministry of Education and Child Care is updating it’s K-12 student reporting policy beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. This will change aspects of how schools report learning to students and parents through Learning Updates and a Summary of Learning.  We called these Report Cards in the past. Further down on this page you can find what’s new and what is the same with the new policy framework.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has created a page with a video and documents, that you can find at

What is consistent?

  1. 6 communications of student learning; 4 written and 2 of flexible format
  2. Written descriptive feedback to accompany scale 

What’s is evolving?

  1. Student reporting practices that align with B.C.’s curriculum and provincial assessment system
  2. Timely and responsive feedback on student learning that parents can understand
  3. Consistent use of the Provincial Proficiency Scale at Grades K-9 by all districts
  4. Written descriptive feedback at grades K-12 (Where a student is strong or shown growth / where do they need support / how can families help at home)
  5. Student self-assessment of the Core Competencies and goal setting in all grades in the 4 written reports

General information on changes to K-12 reporting
What's My Child Learning - information for parent and child caregivers


Reporting and Student Progress Gr 10-12

Students will receive one informal and two formal reports each semester. Formal Reports will be issued in November, February, April, and June. Interim Reports will be issued in October and March. Parents may request additional progress reports by contacting the school counsellors and arranging an interview with subject teachers. FINAL MARKS are indicated by letter grade and percentages on the reports which are issued in February and June. Marks from provincial exams are available electronically at the end of February and July.


Students are advanced to the next level on the basis of subject promotion. Provided that a student meets the requirements of a particular course, that student will proceed to the next level (i.e. English 10 to English 11). If a student does not meet the course requirements, the course must be completed or repeated before credit is awarded.

Grading System

Grades on Reports Work Habits
A86-100%Excellent AchievementE - Excellent
B73-85%Very Good AchievementG - Good
C+67-72%Good AchievementS - Satisfactory
C60-66%Satisfactory AchievementN - Needs improvement 
I0-49%In Progress: The student is making progress but it has been determined that additional time is required to meet the learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.
Standing granted: where completion of normal requirements was not possible but credit was granted on the basis of adjudication by the school for non-government examinable courses.


In-class tests and examinations

In almost all courses, in-class tests are set by the teachers and the results are used in determining report card marks. The following policies apply to these tests:

  1. If a student is absent for an in-class test and the reason for the absence is unexcused by the teacher or the school administration, the student will automatically get a zero.
  2. Policies for having students make up missed in-class tests will be established and made known to students.
  3. Major tests will be made up outside of class time.
  4. Tests will be made up within a reasonable time period as determined by the teacher.
  5. If a student is dissatisfied with the way the test is marked, he/she will see the teacher outside of class time.

Any student who is required to write the final examination and fails to do so will be given a zero. The only exceptions to this rule are for students who:

  1. miss a final examination for medical reasons which are supported by a doctor's letter; OR
  2. make arrangements with the school administration before the exam.

Graduation Assessments

To graduate with a Dogwood diploma, all students must complete the following assessments.  As part of the updated graduation requirements, students in the B.C. Graduation Program will complete three provincial assessments. These assessments focus on the demonstration and application of numeracy and literacy.

Provincial Assessment Dates and Times are Fixed and Unalterable.


Students found to be assisting or receiving any assistance with assignments, class tests, quizzes or exams will receive zero for the assignment. Plagiarism is a form of cheating.

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