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Yoana Lanto


In 2018 Yoana’s father asked her to choose between studying in the United States or Canada, as he wanted her to learn another language and culture. “He wanted me to improve my English-speaking skills and to become more open minded.” said Yoana. Lucky for us, she chose Canada as she heard Canadians are friendly people! 

Born in the island country of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, her first language was French. Having a talent for languages she also speaks Malagasy, Mandarin and of course English. Knowing that she wanted to complete high-school in Canada, she has attended Brooks Secondary School for the past three years and graduates next month. The transition to Brooks was not that difficult for Yoana as she had fewer classes and a shorter day than what she was used to in Madagascar. 

From the start of her time at Brooks in Grade 10, she met both International and Canadian friends, which helped her settle in and feel comfortable. “My biggest challenge was learning how to live independently in another country without my parents. At first it was difficult but my host parents (Richman Family) gave me a lot of advice, and helped me feel comfortable in my new home in Canada.” 

Yoana enjoys living in Powell River because she appreciates how safe she feels here, and also values the different opportunities to experience nature. “Back home in Madagascar, I never went anywhere by myself because it wasn’t safe. Here in Powell River, I often go to different places by myself and feel completely safe. I like to go swimming at Mowat Bay both in the summer and winter. To me the water is cold in both seasons.”  

Her high-school years at Brooks have been enjoyable; she thinks the teachers are great and the school is very welcoming. Her favorite courses at Brooks were Accounting and Marketing. She credits Tania Hobson and Anne Hutchings as key teachers who encouraged and helped her with her studies. This year, Yoana participated in the ‘Students 4 Change” school club. She found collecting food hampers at Christmas for needy families to be very rewarding. 

Wanting to further expand her horizon, and to live and learn in another part of Canada, Yoana plans to study International Business at Concordia University in Quebec.  “To me, getting a business degree is important so I can help out in my father’s business.” After she graduates from university she would like to remain in Canada, perhaps living in Montreal, but travelling the world with her job. “I am grateful for the opportunity to study in Canada as it has improved my English and I have met many new friends from around the world.” 

Since coming to Canada, Yoana feels more independent and confident in her ability to have a successful career and make decisions on her own. Her advice to other International students who may be considering studying at Brooks is; “Don’t be shy or afraid to try new things, or you will regret it.” 

Yoana’s long term goal is to visit most countries in the world. She already has a good start in travelling 17,000 kilometeres from Madagascar to Powell River! 

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