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Matthew Hull

Screenshot%202024-05-07%20at%202.51.01%20PM.pngIt may come as a surprise to some, but Matthew Hull considers himself to be an extraverted introvert! During his high-school years at Brooks Secondary, he took lead roles in the school musicals: Fiddler to Grease and Dick Tracy. He also taught himself to break-dance! “I always enjoyed engaging with music and dance. They helped me determine who I am.”

After graduating from Brooks in 1999 Matthew studied Vocal Performance at Rick’s College in Idaho for one year. Realizing that University made performing into a job, he decided to switch majors. Also wanting to make the world a better place, he spent the next two years working with Hispanic people in the barrios of Los Angeles.

Matthew graduated from Brigham Young University in Idaho in 2006 with a degree in Spanish and History Education. He did his teaching practicum at a middle school in Las Vegas, where he taught Spanish and US Nevada history. He moved back to Powell River in December 2006 with his wife who was pregnant with their first child. After 6 months of TOC work, Matthew filled in for Jerry Reghelin’s 2007-2008 paternity leave. He taught Spanish, Computers, and Health and Careers. With a growing family to take care of, and few teaching positions available, he decided to switch gears. Matthew took a Data Tech job for the School District and later obtained a master’s in educational technology from U.B.C. “I became passionate about using technology for education and engagement.”

For the next thirteen years Matthew worked out of the Board Office where he performed a variety of tasks from ICT Coordinator, Transportation Supervisor and Director of Technology. “During this time, I worked with all the schools in the District, spending time in classrooms and consulting with teachers. I always had the thought of getting back in schools”

When the Vice-Principal position at Brooks opened, he jumped at it. As it turned out he absolutely loved the experience of connecting with staff and students in his new role. Currently, Matthew is a principal of Henderson Elementary School. 

When asked who Matthew admires in his life today, he credits Director of Instruction, Allison Burt. “Allison is someone that I have come to highly respect and admire. She is always available when I have a question – and I have so many questions” He also admires Buddhist Monk Thich-Nhat-Hanh for his work on Mindfulness.

Matthew’s advice to his own children, and students he works with has always been: “always remember that someone’s perception is their reality and to never forget that life is good.” 

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