TO ENROL IN THE PARTNERS IN EDUCATION (PIE) PROGRAM - Please follow the directions below.
For Grade 8-12 students already enrolled in PIE, please speak to your PIE teacher in order to enrol in additional courses rather than filling out a new enrollment form.
Please note: the enrolment process will not be complete until we receive 1) the submitted online form, 2) copies of the student's care card and birth certificate and 3) the printed and signed Release of Info Permission Form. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at pieinfo@sd47.bc.ca.
We need a copy of the student's care card to establish proof of residency and birth certificate to verify their age and legal name.
On the enrolment form you will be able to choose one of our Program Options including home-based learning from anywhere in the province as well as in-person opportunities in a number of BC locations.
Instructions for how to submit the Release of Information document can be found at the bottom of the online enrolment form. Care cards and birth certificates can be submitted by email to pieinfo@sd47.bc.ca or fax: (604) 485-2759.
Please ensure you enter the grade you/your child will be in when you/they wish to enter the program in the 'grade' field. If you select 'immediately' for program start date, please enter the current grade. If you select 'September', please enter the grade you/the student will be in for September.
1. Please click on the 'Click Here to Enrol' link below to fill out the enrolment form. Click the submit button at the bottom of the form when you are done (it will not send a receipt, but someone will contact you as soon as possible to let you know the form has been received.
Click Here to Enrol <-- ignore any message to 'log in', it means that the form has gone through to us!
2. In order to establish the age and residency of our students, we require a copy of their Birth Certificate and Care Card. Please scan and email to pieinfo@sd47.bc.ca or fax to (604) 485-2759.
3. Please print and sign the Release of Information page found at the link below. This form needs a physical signature. Once you have signed it, please scan and email or send a high resolution picture of the completed form to pieinfo@sd47.bc.ca.