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Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards


Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards Presentation for PIE Students.pdf

Well Begun is Half Done:

Because many scholarships, bursaries and awards require the same information, the best place to start is to create a binder where you keep copies of all the information you're asked to provide, so you can quickly access the info you'll need for applications now AND over all the years of your post-secondary education.

PIE PAC Bursaries:

The Partners in Education (PIE) Parent Advisory Council awards three bursaries of $250 each. These awards are available to three students who have graduated with 50% of the graduation credits for grades 10, 11, and 12 obtained through the School District #47 Powell River PIE Program. More info can be found here:

Local Scholarships and Awards:

Every year, Powell River businesses, groups, organizations, clubs, and individuals donate money in the form of scholarships and awards for graduates of School District 47. Selections are based on a variety of criteria which may include marks, merit, affiliation or financial need. A general application form and details of all of the local scholarships and awards are, typically, available in March from the main office at Brooks Secondary School.

District/Authority Awards:

These $1250 scholarship vouchers recognize excellence in non-academic fields. Awards are given in the following areas: Indigeneous Languages and Culture; Fine Arts; Applied Design, Skills, and Technology; Physical Activity; International Languages; Community Service/Volunteer Activity; and Technical and Trades Training. District/Authority Awards applications are available at the same time as the Powell River Local Scholarships.

Institution of Study:

Every post-secondary institution has its own scholarship and awards program. When you decide which post-secondary you will be applying to, check their website (usually under "financial aid") and/or school calendar. Most institutions make an effort to post their scholarships and awards well ahead of deadlines. Please note, some of the school scholarships and awards will require separate application forms.

Other Ministry of Education Provincial Program Scholarships:

The BC Provincial Scholarships Program recognizes student achievement in a wide variety of areas. In addition to the District/Authority scholarships (see above), the Ministry of Education scholarship program also includes the following scholarships:

Secondary School Apprenticeship Scholarships:

Students registered as a youth apprentice with the ITA and who meet the eligibility criteria can qualify for a $1000 scholarship. These scholarships are awarded automatically-- there is no need to apply.


Many scholarships, bursaries, and awards are from union or employer groups, professional organizations, special interest groups, etc. Although there is no “master list” of scholarships out there, there are many scholarship databases that students can use to help them find scholarship opportunities. Good places to start your search: 

Partial List of Scholarship Opportunities:

To help students sort through the large number of scholarships available, the Brooks school counsellors have compiled a short list of potential scholarship opportunities.

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