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Frequently Asked Questions

Brooks Secondary Sept 2024 FAQ's

Does the school provide any regular communication?

A newsletter (Parent Week at a Glance) is distributed weekly.  If you are not receiving this email please call the office and we will update your contact information to have you added to the email list.  It is also published to this website every week.

Can students purchase food at school?

Beverage dispensers are available, but we do not sell bottled water.  Instead, we have a number of water bottle filling stations available in the building for students. There will be no fountains for water consumption, water bottle filling stations only. Students are requested to return tins to the recycling containers. Any profits from these dispensing machines are returned to the school to support student activities. Students are asked not to use the vending machines during their class time. 

How does the distribution of textbooks work?

Students are assigned textbooks. There is no rental fee charged, however, a student who loses or damages a textbook will be assessed a replacement or damage fee. Report cards, transcript copies and other important information services will not be provided until textbook charges have been paid. Refunds will be given if lost textbooks are found and returned. DO NOT WRITE in textbooks. Check your textbooks for writing when they are issued. Report any damage to the book room.

Any lost or damaged textbooks are subject to fines.

Will my student have a locker?

Lockers will be allocated in Sept based on cohorts and classes. Lockers are property of the school and the contents of lockers are subject to school supervision. Lockers are assigned during the first week of school. Each locker must have a combination lock on it.  A lock can be purchased at the office or students may bring them from home. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their lockers. To avoid loss of textbooks and personal belongings, students should not reveal their lock combinations to anyone else. The school is not responsible for items lost from a locker. A lost or damaged lock is to be replaced at the student's expense. Locker damages or problems should be immediately reported to the office.

The school reserves the right to revoke locker privileges for neglect or abuse of the locker. Students can expect the examination of lockers and locker contents at any time

Students may decorate the inside of the locker as long as what is used meets the following conditions:

1. It can be removed easily.

2. It is in good taste.

You cannot claim a locker that is not assigned to you.  If this occurs, you may find your lock removed (cut) and your contents removed and placed in the office.

How can my student get to and from school?

All school and district rules apply when students use the school district transportation system. Bus passes will be issued to all eligible riders. Students attending school functions must ride in approved vehicles.  Students may not drive their own vehicles or ride with friends to any school curricular functions without prior approval in writing from parents and then from an administrator.

Temporary bus passes are available, please see the main office for support and guidance regarding next steps. 

Can students bring a personal vehicle?

Yes!  Parking passes are required and available at the main office starting the beginning of September.

Students parking vehicles at the school are asked to keep their parking stall clean from debris and litter. Car owners are asked to obey restricted parking signs around the school and to drive with care and safety on or around school property . Students are to park in the top or main center parking lot only. Unsafe driving on or near school grounds will be reported to the RCMP and will result in disciplinary action. Students are not to ride in the back of pick up trucks or on top of any vehicle. Students attending school functions must ride in approved vehicles.  Students are not permitted to drive on any field trips with prior permission of parents and administration.  The school is not responsible for damages that may occur to student vehicles while parked on or nearby school property. 

Does Brooks encourage recycling?

Everyone is encouraged to use the containers that are provided for paper and drink containers.   Brooks is your school. Be proud of it. Take care of your school by making sure that the hallways, classrooms and grounds are not littered with discarded paper, lunches, drink cans and other materials.  

Extracurricular Activities at Brooks:

Brooks has a variety of clubs for students to participate in throughout the year, this includes, but is not limited to: sports teams, Stu Crew, SOGI, Environmental Club, qathet Community Justice, Interact Club, and many more. 

Where do I go for lost articles?

Articles found in and around the school should be turned in at the main office where the owners may claim their property by identifying it.  Some clothing and other items (agendas, water bottles, etc) may end up in the lost and found.

How should students deal with valuables?

Students are warned not to bring large sums of money or valuables to school. During PHE class, items such as watches and jewelry should never be left in the changing room. Students are responsible for the care and safety of all their personal belongings. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. 

What is your policy on electronic devices and skateboards?

Electronic devices may only be used in the school during non-instructional time unless permitted by specific teachers. Cell phones are to be turned off and stored away securely while in class.  Electronics may be confiscated by school staff if deemed to be disruptive to instruction or school operations.   Taking pictures in the school is prohibited unless the subject of the picture has given prior permission for that picture to be taken. Skateboarding is not permitted on school property.

Please ensure that if you have a electronic device that it is not shared, personal items are to be kept to oneself.

Where can my student use the phone?

Please visit the office for support with using a telephone. There is also a phone in the hallway, just outside the Principal's office. 

What about accidents at school?

Any accidents occurring in the school, while on a school function or on school property, should be reported immediately to the office where first-aid treatment and emergency services will be provided, if needed. There is first-aid equipment available in the school, as well as staff with St. John's First Aid training and/or C.P.R. training.

If necessary, a ride will be provided to the hospital or an ambulance will be called. In the case of a serious accident, every effort will be made to contact the student's parents and physician. If students become ill during the school day, contact the office and arrangements will be made for you to go home. If students are ill for an extended period of time, inform the school office and counsellors so that Home/Hospital teacher services may be provided.

Students who become ill while at school must not leave without notifying the office and signing out. 

Will my student be required to study at home?

Regular study is essential for success at the secondary school level. Students should develop the habit of doing at least one hour of home study a night. Study means preview and review. All work done during the school day should be gone over that evening. Starting in September, all students should be bringing home books and agendas daily. 

What if my student needs to change a course?

Students are asked to meet with their alpha Counsellor or Academic Advisor when they would like to inquire about changing a course. 

What is the process for withdrawing from school?

If you are leaving school, either transferring to another school or withdrawing, see a counsellor to fill out a Withdrawal/Transfer form. Textbooks must be returned and records updated. Students will be expected to pay for lost or damaged textbooks. 

What are the PE Requirements?

All students must have shorts or sweat pants, a t-shirt and running shoes for all PE classes. Students unable to participate in PE for an extended period of time must bring a medical statement from a physician which clearly states dates or time periods when PE classes are to be missed. In such cases, students will be assigned theory work on a PE topic related to the class activities.

What is the new reporting policy about? 

MOE website for support and information (HERE)

Additional support documents: K-12-student-reporting-one-pager-for-parents-and-caregivers.pdf

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