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Food for Thought

A Vision of Students Today

Summary of the characteristics of students today

The Machine is Us/ing Us

The Web 2.0 in under 5 minutes

Information R/evolution

The way we find, store, create, critique, and share information.

Did You Know - Information Technology Revolution

Commentary on the Information Technology Revolution (from 2009)

Did You Know 2011 - Social Media Revolution

How powerfully is the social media revolution reshaping our world?

Schools Kill Creativity

Schools Kill Creativity

Changing Education Paradigms

RSA Animate presentation of a talk by Sir Ken Robinson

Once Upon a School

The story of Dave's 826 Valencia Tutoring Center

Born to Learn

Are our current systems of education unlocking our true potential?

The Story of Stuff

A fast-paced, fact-filled look at production and consumption patterns.

Teaching for Tomorrow: Flipped Learning

How students are learning is changing . . .

Peter Benson - Sparks: How Youth Thrive

A discussion of how to bring out and foster the strengths in our children

The Power of Introverts

TED Talk with Susan Cain on 'The Power of Introverts'

The Math of Learning

Dr. John Mighton, O.C., believes that anyone can learn anything, including mathematics.

The Happy Secret to Better Work

We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards?

Where Good Ideas Come From

People often credit their ideas to individual "Eureka!" moments. But Steven Johnson shows how history tells a different story.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership -- starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?"

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