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Coast Mountain Academy Grade 12


Coast Mountain Academy is a full semester program that focuses on leadership, citizenship, and adventure. The program is designed to create rich and often trans-formative educational and life experiences and allows students to explore their own passions in the context of serving the community.


The academy is delivered through a series of modules including Group Development, Group Living Skills, Leadership Studies, Wilderness Technology Skills, Environmental Studies, Safety & Risk Management, Navigation, and Trip Planning & Preparation. Students will also become skilled and certified in a variety of activities such as kayaking, canoeing, rock climbing, stand-up paddle boarding, mountain climbing, sailing and more.


The CMA experience culminates with the students planning and implementing all aspects of an overnight Eco-Adventure camp program for all grade 7s in the District, providing the CMA students an opportunity to apply all of the skills and theory they have learned in the previous months.

Students who excel in the regular CMA semester are offered the opportunity to apprentice as assistants with the LEAP program.


We are based out of Brooks Secondary School in Powell River BC, Canada.

The program runs February through June (with the opportunity to LEAP Apprentice in early July).

We are a 4 day a week program (Tuesday - Friday) with the opportunity to take a teacher supported on-line course on Mondays.

Click here to apply

Social Media:

Twitter @coastmntacademy

Instagram @coastmountainacademy


"The Coast Mountain Academy has opened me to different opportunities and challenges I would never have participated in before. It has showed me how to think outside of the box and to have fun with everything." — Kelly, CMA Alumni

"The Coast Mountain Academy (CMA) has been, for me, a transformative program, and a high point of my life so far. I have grown in knowledge, understanding, and ability. My horizons have been expanded, my potential as a human and as a leader has increased, my character has developed, and my skills have multiplied. I can now look back, five months later, as a stronger, wiser, more skilled and more confident person." — Graham, CMA Alumni

Contact: for more information or if you have any questions.

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