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English Language Learners

An English Language Learning (ELL) student is defined as a student enrolled in a BC school who needs additional English language development support in order to access the provincially prescribed curriculum and succeed in the academic environment.

ELL support is for students whose language, or home language, is other than English. This includes students whose parents/caregivers first language is other than English.  ELL is not intended for students of the International Program. ELL services must be accessed through School Based Team Meetings. For further information please contact the Director of Student Support Service. 

This includes the following students:

  • English as an Additional Language 
  • Students with an immigrant or refugee background who need English language development support.
  • English as a Second Dialect 
  • Students who speak a variation of English significantly different than that used in school are referred to as English as a Second Dialect (ESD) services.

School districts provide ELL supports and services, enabling ELL students to develop their language and literacy skills, to achieve the expected learning outcomes of the provincial curriculum and to become capable young people thriving in our diverse society.

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